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1. Respect for life - Everyone deserves to live. Who are we to manipulate and
choose which animal lives or dies? Our human physical bodies thrive on a
conscious vegetarian diet.
There is no need to kill anyone. The more we stop the killing of defenseless
and voiceless animals, the less violent and war-prone a world we will live in.
2. Longevity - Lets face it, when diseases like cancer come into our lives, the first thing we must do is cut out meats and animal-derived foods. There is a
reason for that.
Healthy bodies maintain their status on a plant-based diet. Why wait until
we get serious illnesses to begin nourishing our bodies with the right stuff?
It’s no secret that every single study out there focuses on vegetables
being the main nutrition to get you back to health. Give yourself the gift
of enough life to enjoy the fruits of your labor on this planet by
adopting a plant-based diet – nutrients for life.
3. Optimum health - The number one killer in America is heart disease.
Did you know that cardiovascular disease can simply be avoided and
reversed by adopting a plant-based diet?
Yes, my friend, your ally in optimum physical, mental and emotional health
is the Vegetable Kingdom, with a focus on prevention through good daily
nutrition. What your cells need, the veggies can provide, without
cholesterol, bad fat, and violent/dense energy.
Going vegetarian will reduce the risk of major killers such as heart disease, stroke, and cancer while cutting exposure to many food-borne pathogens
present in animal foods.
4. Saving the planet - Earth is our home, and we need to take care of
her and she will care for us right back.
Vote with your wallet and make conscious ecological choices. Support
local and organic farming and remember that, by going vegetarian you’re not contributing to cow breeding that generates methane gas, worse for climate
change than carbon dioxide. You have a choice and a responsibility.
Honor your survival partnership with Nature by doing your part in
preserving it.
5. Clarity of mind - The Vegetable Kingdom is loaded with antioxidants,
vitamins and minerals, both complex carbohydrates and amino acids
(protein), and good fats, from which you can get the right balance that
allows your alchemical factory (brain) to combine and synthesize hormones,
enzymes, reactions and functions to give you that state of equanimity
needed for optimal mental function.
6. Energy reception - We are energy beings…Beings of Light.
In these coming years and because of the upcoming cosmic alignment,
more photon energy seems to be descending into our planet.
We need to prepare our bodies to receive this higher frequency energy,
and a largely raw vegetarian diet provides loads of electrons
(and depending on food combination, double-bonded electrons) that allow
you to be a better conductor of light, energy, and electricity by helping
to absorb, sustain, use, and store photon energy from the sun. We must
keep our bodies light to avoid being negatively affected by the energy
changes in the years to come.
7. Alignment with the universe - The more we are in tune with our selves
the more we are in alignment with the universe.
Vegetarianism supports and helps us to be in tune with our selves by
providing us with high-frequency solar energy, which will resonate with
the highest part within us. We are an entire Universe inside ourselves.
As is above, so is below.
By already having mental clarity through our nutritional vegetarian practices,
we are better able to access our Higher Self and listen to that inner voice
that is in tune and aware of the invisible network that is all around and
within us.
In this state of living, synchronicity is a common occurrence.