Saturday, October 10, 2015

A deep sense of hospitality



おもてなしは英語でよく hospitalityとか entertain themとかと訳されているけど、ちょっとニュアンスがシックリ来ないかもしれない。










a deep sense of hospitality 

Japanese hospitality or treat or entertain someone is called "omotenashi" in Japanese word.

But As omotenashi mean is slightly difference in nuance from merely hospitality, so that non Japanese also use this Japanese word "omotenashi" for its meaning. 

Because omotenashi is not only sincerely and warmheartedly, At the core of omotenashi is attentiveness to the needs of others. To be attentive means to read the atmosphere, sense the mood, and feel the invisible energy pervading an occasion. Ultimately, or ideally, it means not to entertain the guest to achieve some kind of self-satisfaction, but to be quick in perceiving the guest’s needs, desires, and the overall mood, and to entertain the guest accordingly.

Japan has only a language, race from the time of our ancestors to modern era, so ... we have some strong thought to take as much care each other, the same way they take care of their guests.

But frankly I never think too much "omotenashi" spirits to offer.

Once I mention this word, I feel it's too much over high spirit as if the purpose in it will be blur. 

Anyhow The human heart is universal.

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