One about creativity story,
Piccaso endorsed a revolutionary approach to creativity. He was standing outside his house one day looking around the yard. A rusty old bicycle resting against the porch caught his attention.
Piccaso focused on the metal frame of the bike n noticed the handlebars resembled the horn of a bull.
Removing the handlebar from the bike, he proceeded to his studio n created a sculpture of a charging bull.
Piccaso tapped his creative imagination to turn the ordinary into something dynamic, Piccaso’s creative success was attributed to the ability of expanding on one theme
to create another.
Later in his life, Piccaso shared the secret for escaping tunnel vision.
“Every act of creation is first of all an act of destruction.”
One must first break down the barriers of present limitations n restrictive thoughts, n destroy old habits that strangle our creative efforts.then n only then can our creative genius be explored.
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