A human beings, we clearly apply different standard to ourselves than to other animals. Humans are conceded to have emotions, the usual reason given is that feelings are expressed in language, ppl live much of their lives according to expressions of feelings in themselves or in others. Although it is widely agreed that that some ppl lie about their feelings to gain an advantage, n some ppl make mistakes about their feelings, or do not know what they really feel, or express them without credibility, few doubt that feelings exist-ones own, n those of others. We know we have feelings coz we feel moved by them, n others do n express similar things, so we believe that they have feelings too.
How about if the language are taken out from human, if body language, gesture, action only left…
When I see CLOUD, sometimes I think what he is feeling now, I am interesting about animal emotion.
I heard Emotion of animals is not respectable field of study. The words associated with emotions are not supposed to be applied to them.
But still many scientist have always believes; that animals love, suffer, cry, laugh. Their hearts rise up in anticipation n fall in despair, or curious, they feel. But the other side, Some experts said “animal is animal, if it is only free to eat, to sleep n to copulate. It deserves to be free to hunt n to choose its own prey, look for its own mate, to fight for n hold its own territory, n to die where it was born--- in the wild.
The ordinary layperson believes that his dog, her cat, their horse feels. they not only believe it but have constant evidence of it before their eyes. but there is a big gap between the commonsense viewpoint and that of official science on this project.
When I called CLOUD, or when I stand in kitchen, he rush to me and go around n round me and make standing posture, he looks like begging vegetable.
And when his beloved my hubby came out from his room( we don’t let him in our room) he rush to him and try to hold hubby’s leg with two arms, start asking play. There is same routine catching few round until he become pening, after that jump on a sofa and hubby pat his back he is jumping around so high n turning turning around his neck and he shakes his short tail , looks so happy. If hubby doesn’t care, he push hubby’s back with his nose n front legs.
But, is that enough to count as happiness? N maybe their emotions are different from human ones?
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