it is very tired when i hav 2 places for interview. like this day, frm morning till midnight i don't hav a time to sit for rest even 10min. i always want to ask iqbal how to up-load comment in ppl's blog but no time. wait to next time sure i get a time to do it.
cuci, basuk kain, masak, siap utk lunch, dinner, writting, n sure 2 boys bring something trouble when i'm busy. just now syabil came to me " mama, very bad new happened..."
he showed me small sized spray bottle broken that he uses for nose, he said he dropped to the floor. it is made frm glass. "oh, me~n!" this is just bought n so expensive 50 rm. aiyo~
miss pinkstiletto, plastic surgery... i brought to my mom n she chopped neck n replace another kepala. it was successfuly but i'm still looking for her nose. i don't want to draw anymore!
miss Chocolatechip, yes, i like padang food , kelantan, thai n chinese n iqbal,too. but i don't eat ayam or daging always vege n seafood. adik syabil he is not like malay, he doesn't like so much santan, he likes japanese food. So dirty padang ke? i think i’m ok, I’m not so sensitive person for busuk or dirty, hahaha...

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