Yap in Micronesia--------Yap doesn’t even make it on the map, but it nevertheless stands out among Micronesia’s 2000-plus islands as the cultural store house and also as the world’s best destination for swimming with 1000 pound manta rays in their natural habitat.

The Great Barrier Reef in Australia------ Here is the only living organism on the planet that’s visible from outer space.Stretching for more than 1200 miles at between 10 and 50 miles off the coast of Queensland.The largest marine preserve in the world.

Ayers Rock in Australia-----The great red monolish of Ayers Rock, the world’s largest. Revered as a spiritual center of the power by the Aborigines, whose ancestors are believed to hav lived here as much as 20000 yrs ago.Rock constantly changes colour at sunrise and sunset becomes such an amazing visual experience that you will soon understand why the world of mythology has been woven around it.

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