Today i went to interview to the "Earh Aromathelapy" in Runaissance. interior is so luxuly but owner said here is not belong hotel. i can not imagine how much they spend for built it. i tried Shiatsu massage and when she turn my neck, so loud sound came out, i was afraid of my neck tulang is broken. when i finished, i took a putra line to tmn jaya and frm there drove a car that i parked in am-corp mall. On da way, storm started so strong and massive traffic jam took almost 2 hours to reached house. Somemore i called iqbal while driving, his friend told me ” he cut fingers and came out a lot of blood, so we brought him to clinic” oh,boy~ But storm is so heavy and line connection was so bad, I couldn’t hear properly. U know how I heard first. Like this-----“ Auntie, iqbal’s handphone was fall down, so we brought the phone to mobile clinic!” hahaha, what a stupid! When I reached home his father went to his clinic already n I saw a lot of blood stain drops from outside corridor to in front of house. He came back with bandage 3 fingers. Leechster, nice to hear frm u! don’t worry next future u hav a lot of girlfriends and money. I know it frm ur birth date. No kidding! Last time iqbal’s father attend this course“the power of number in da universe” so I get to know frm him how to see fortune by birth date. How is the school btw? I heard u started to earn Korean? Pink Stiletto, I don’t hav a name yet. Pitty rabbit. I am so glad if u give him or her name! but I think this is girl coz wear skirt. Actually my mom made. I wanted to attch some photos but line is super slow.so see u tomorrow!!

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