The Great wall in China--- 80km northwest of downtown Beijing. Said to be the only manmade structure visible from moon, only one third of the original wall remains.
Lhasa---Tibet holy city is the most recognizable of the city’s landmark. Jipur India--- Pink is the Rajput color of hospitality and Jaipur is India’s pink city. The five story salmon pink palace of winds.
The Terra-Cotta---Warriors of Xi’an. 2200 yers old terra-cotta soldiers is one of China’s supreme cultural treasures, a life size funereal honor guard standing in ranks near tomb of emperor Chin Shih Huang-ti. It was discovered in 1974, more than 6000 soldiers and horses arranged in an imposing formation of 38 columns, 16 feet deep. And in second founded additional 1000 soldier and 500 horses.
Taj Mahal (Agra) and the lake palace(Udaipur) in India---the lake palace seems to float on the water, now leased out asa hotel.